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AngloGold Ashanti plc

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September 19, 2023 at 9:30 AM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

Alberto Calderon

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

Alberto Calderon was appointed CEO of AngloGold Ashanti Ltd effective 1 September 2021. Mr Calderon has more than two decades of global executive leadership experience across the mining, petroleum, and energy sectors. Before joining AngloGold Ashanti, he was CEO of global explosives producer Orica and prior to that held senior executive positions at diversified miner BHP, including Group Executive and Chief Executive Aluminum, Nickel and Corporate Development, Group Executive and Chief Commercial Officer and President Diamonds and Specialty Products. Mr Calderon was also CEO of Cerrejón Coal Company and Ecopetrol, both in Colombia, and prior to this he held senior leadership positions in the International Monetary Fund and the Colombian government. He holds a PhD in Economics, a Master of Philosophy in Economics and a Master of Economics from Yale University, a Juris Doctor in Law, and Bachelor of Economics from Andes University in Colombia.


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